Monday, December 15, 2008

The Kid - Part II

Story continued...
His perennially moist eyes would shine with the yearning that he felt to be a part of them. I would try to grab his attention with confectionary, but he wouldn't blink an eye. Every now and then, he would look up to his mother, who accompanied him without fail, and longingly point out a finger towards the kids. His mother would hold him close to her heart and soothe him.

I, on my own had tried to reason to the other kids about him. But they would not have anything to do with him. He scared them.

I didn't blame them. After all, who wouldn't be afraid of a mentally retarded 40 year old? Still, he was my favourite kid....


Snehal said...

not amateurish or juvenile, very well expressed :)

NikhilS said...

Thanks Sne! :)

Vibhushan said...

Very very beautiful sir... very touching! loved it.

NikhilS said...

Thanks Vibs! :)