Thursday, February 26, 2009


Hmmm, I really think Freida Pinto is going to make a career for herself in Hollywood. Not even Aishwarya Rai has made proper inroads in so many years and Freida has already been on all the needed-to-be-on shows including Jay Leno, David Letterman, Oprah etal. Plus she looks awesome on the red carpet!

I just hope we don't have to ever say - "Afraid Pinto didn't make it" :P

Friday, February 6, 2009

Contact - Part Deux

One such night, Xanthippe's parents got up because of the hue and cry, Xanthippe was creating. It was way past the retirement hour and concerned they rushed to the terrace. Xanthippe was shouting excitedly over something she had observed in the sky. She was too excited to speak for a while. They calmed her down with difficulty.

"Mom! You won't believe my probability stars today. A space window opened for exactly 10 seconds, i saw some weird creatures in that window. Mom, they were really peculiar. Oddly symmetric to say the least, they had a pair of legs, pair of arms, a pair of eyes and a pair of ears too!! Very much against the much-proved odd-organ evolution thesis dont you think Mom?" Xanthippe's mother looked indulgently at her precocious daughter. She took in her ruffled body hair, sleepless three eyes brimming with excitement, one central arm pointing in the general direction of the sky and smiled. "Come now Xanthippe dear, its very late girl. You must definitely have had a dream. I am sure ALIENS dont look so oddly symmetric!! Lets go back to sleep honey"

Monday, February 2, 2009

Contact - Part 1

Xanthippe was a precocious girl. She liked all things bright and wonderful. But then, she liked the skies too, not the dark sulky ones, but the ones adorned with a thousand stars. She would spend hours looking at them, getting excited over a shooting star and going into raptures over a passing comet. Her doting parents recognized Xanthippe's love. The onset of her tenth temporal eon was welcomed by a gift so precious that she was literally over the numerous Lunar Planets over it.

Thus began her sojourns into the skies. The UltraPhotoTelescopic Amplifier that her parents gifted to her was the most advanced machine available for personal use in those times. Equipped with stochastic capabilities, to people with time and probability on their hands, it was a peek into the Universe in its entire vastness. Xanthippe would spend hours with it, adjusting probability variables, spatial coordinates and contrast parameters. The sky was her best friend now.