Monday, June 8, 2009

You Can't Touch This!

I hope many remember the good old DD pre-MTV days (those who have been fortunate enough to have seen that one-channel era :p) when they used to show the Grammy Awards winner segment as a 30-minute summary. Many of the songs, artists that I ended up listening later were picked up from those segments. One song that made a big impression then was "You Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer!

Those baggy pants, those funky gyrating dancing steps and yes the cool tune left a lasting impression. And today I see this flashmob video on youtube, where a group of people got into a shopping mall and performed an impromtu version of it leaving the buyers speechless. So much fun! I hope I do get to be a part of such a "You Can't Touch This" flashmob someday :D Don't you? Its high-time we started some flashmobs here in India too! Enjoy the video for now :)

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