Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tarantino Valentino!

So, another Valentine's day is around the corner. Am sure, we will see the usual self-imposing moralists breaking some hard-working man's greeting cards store on the occasion. Am sure, the price of a rose will shoot up to justify your LOVE on that day. Am sure, couples will try to be as effusively mushy as possible on that day. Am sure, an inappropriate number of candles will be sacrificed at the altars of the 'them-lit' dinners on that day. Oh am sure, that all love related cliches will abound on that very day.

Its a bit ho-hum actually if you ask me. Pi too was not enthused by my suggestions of a working lunch or a definitely-crowded dinner routine. So for us, its going to be an evening show of "American Gangster" - the recent Denzel Washington starrer, supposedly an excellent telling of a true crime story!! Romantic - eh ;)


Anonymous said...

Romance is there in anything and everything that you do with a significant-other! I am not against candle-light dinners, nor cards nor roses.None of these however can be held as measure of LOVE between two people...
Long distance lovers don't have the luxury of meeting every Valentines, does that make their love any smaller.
Way to go, it is certainly romanctic to watch American Gangster hand in hand with your loved one...

NikhilS said...

Well said anonymous. To each his own interpretations!