Monday, March 3, 2008

Am I Online!

So, some time back I wrote about Open Contributions. As a follow up, me and Ashish (my friend and office colleague who also happens to be the spokesperson for PostgreSQL in India) met up with folks from the media. We had a good session of Q & A, with us trying to put across the gist of what open source and contributing to it means. Check it out!

The article is pretty fine, but what got me a bit amused was the reference to me as "Nikhil S"! I am sure my visiting card mentions my full name (goes and affirmatively cross checks). But I figured that maybe, it has to do with my online presence. I tend to use "NikhilS" in a lot of my conversations on mailing lists and generally on emails too! Blame it on my tryst at this place quite a while back. But this reference surely means that I have an online presence (pretty small though) where people actually might know me as "Nikhil S"! I am not sure who amongst us is Jekyll and Hyde though. Keep guessing ;)

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